Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ride For Mom

Shmello!  I'm super excited about our upcoming weekend, not only because I get to spend it with my most of my Dad's side of the fam, and quite of few of my aunties that I so adore, but also because we get to support my Uncle Bob in a huge bicycle ride he has been planning for years.

My Uncle has planned a ride that has over 250 350 riders signed up! There will also be healthy lifestyle fair going on, to raise awareness about making healthy choices when you are young.

" I started riding my bike six years ago when my mother, “Jinx”, battled cancer, a second time. This time she lost that battle. Mom did not take the best care of herself physically. Cancer and diabetes both run deep in my family.

Cancer, diabetes and heart disease are scourges of our generation. It is estimated that as a result of these three diseases alone, $800 billion to a trillion dollars are lost annually in medical costs and lost employee time. That does not include the profound emotional and social costs to families and friends. Several major cancers, diabetes and heart disease are preventable through exercise and good eating habits, choices that all of us can make right now. Imagine the savings that would be realized if we as a society made better lifestyle choices.

I wonder if Mom would still be here if she had made different lifestyle choices."
Bob Fores, Founder

I am beyond proud of my uncle for planning this and making such a huge impact on the area where he lives. It is my (and his) hope to impact lives for the better so that our grandmas and grandpas and moms and dads can be around longer!


Molly S. said...

Wow, how awesome! Crazy stuff how just one person can make such a big impact. Pretty amazing to see. You have one very special family :)

Ruthie Hart said...

what an awesome way to celebrate your mom, celebrate the life of Jinx, be with family, stay in shape!

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